April action

It is a good thing when the youths of today get involved in wholesome activities like sports. I was rather surprised one Sunday when my son, Vidal, asked me if I was coming to Basket Ball City to take some pictures of "his" team. Of course I had to show support, skipped my already late lunch, and  made my way to the court. After all these years some things don't change. As motivation, I must say that there is significant improvement, but will not quantify that here. When I win the lotto I will seek to sponsor this team, and pay them a salary. I don't think any more motivation than that is required.

The Deputy Prime Minister and a former Minister of Sport accompanied by the Queens of Carnival inspect and greet the basketball teams.

Boy, some big money passing in this sport. That is all I will say about this.

Something is working in and for basketball. The brand new US$25,000.00 clock. I wonder if it is because the Minister of Sport was a "Professional" basketball player, so he knows what to say to whom? Anyway, I really love how we do things in SKB. We really hard to beat, and if you can't beat us, join us.

Once upon a time you could only get a lobster dish at some of the major restaurants, but our vendors have now brought this delicacy to the street and I don't think it cost you $50.00 and there is no tax. This pose is for tourists on the sidewalk to take snaps, so I grabbed a snap off the back from on top the College Street bridge.

SKB is a destination for young travelers. I think the drums turn them on. The drums turn everybody on, and some of the older folks join in the dances too. It is an African thing, we have it, and they want it too. Some things don't change, even with time.

The season is winding down fast, and we hope that the next season is as good and better as expected.

As small as we may appear to be SKB can meet almost ever visitor demand. Of course speaking of the legal ones. Everybody takes risks and chances, but if you get caught in SKB you will have to pay immediately, or go to .....

One of the catamaran tours

The changing times we live in.

Some days there is just a lot of action. WAHS won the school sports, again, back-2-back, and that called for a march around the City.

Washie Wildcats Forever

Washie Wildcats Forever

Then it was the Thursday before Good Friday and the Antioch Baptist had church on Fort Street. Two persons responded to the 'altar call'.

Antioch Baptist Church youth with a dramatic presentation.

On Good Friday the Gardens stadium and grounds come alive with local action.

The kite flying did not attract these youths, in any event Good Friday now seem to come without any wind.

Easter Monday, 4-H Aquatic sports, organised by Mr Winston 'Zack' Nisbett, MH.

The prizes for the winners of the competitions.

A poster of the original 4-H organizer in St Kitts, the late Mr Basil Henderson.

This event has its prize attached. The pole and the hams are greased down with a thick heavy duty red motor grease. Get off the ham and it is yours. This is the main event the sports meet.

Another event that attracts attention is the vertical greased pole with $350 near the top. In a past year this was $500, but no one attempted to retrieve it. This year the rules were laxer to encourage participation.

First prize in the men swimming race won this 21-inch TV set. I may consider  taking swimming lessons, so that I could participate in next year Easter Monday aquatic sports meet. Hopefully the first prize is a 42-inch flat screen.

The sk action continues with Labour Day in May, but in between there is all sort of unscheduled activities and action. You just have to keep an ear to the ground and be ready to move at a moments notice.

Many people focus on their own action and drama, and sometimes that spill over and create action for the rest of us. The place is so small that it could be hard not to be impacted, but some of us have developed a mode, that of being absent with a presence. It is guaranteed to work inside SK.

Let us go see what else is going on here.


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