skb day 220
I was recently invaded by a troupe of monkeys after sunset. I suspect that some of them needed a dinner snack. I captured a few moments which some FB viewers rather liked. This 'maternal' happens in all species, but some are better at it than others. However, when it comes to food and the distribution of food that is a whole different story. We have to get the monkeys to learn that a mango is green today but will be ripe tomorrow, so leave it on the tree to ripen, and come back the next day. And all of us will live happily ever after. I am told that monkeys are smart and trainable. Maybe we need more researchers, but we can't wait another 25 year. We need a fast fix now. But if 'now' is not a reality, we need to fast forward to 'plan B'. I am continuing my research into electronic interacting with monkeys that invade my property. They are attracted to action videos.
These are some hot days. The peak of our hurricane activity period in a few days and no sign of storm, wind or rain. This is a shift, a very dramatic weather change, and we should be concerned. In addition earthquakes are felt almost daily in some countries, 400 and 500 miles away from skb. Distance is not a factor. We are all in the same basin, one land mass, just some higher out the water than others. My impressions are that the regional authority is trying to soft sensitize the people of the whole Caribbean region. Our people hear very well but most of them don't listen. On the other hand, I see the authorities are warning us of the imminent dangers, while telling us that they have no plan to ensure our safety. They are telling us what can be done, but that they are not doing it, because they can't afford to. Can't or won't? People are listening with their mouth shut. When mouth open nuff story is going to jump out and things could get a bit messy. I hope this never happens here. We need to remember our history, smart stratagems never, ever worked on the people of Liamuiga. So much for that.
I can't say if this is the season for photography or not. Photography is something very personal, and the weather could be is a significant factor. For me I am staying out of the sun. The folks that 'know' about photography say there are good times and not so good times to make winning photographs., and they should know. There are times when events are staged in 'terrible' lighting, like midday, but the photographer is expected to capture the activity perfectly, making the impossible a reality. There is always a technique to handle every impossible situation, and the equipment to make it happen. It all begins with knowledge and attitude. Some people know everything. I am not sure that I even know 1% about photography, but I know a little something about photography.
On my Facebook page I am posting/sharing more links to photographic information than to pictures. I am not sure how many young photographers are seeking after photographic instruction, but this is the key. The more you know, the better at photography you will become. I do not see any better than anyone else, that does not enter the mind of a real photographer. I do not see how you can put a finger on one's creative expressions. I do not critique, I figure what I would and could do differently, given my mood and feeling. Don't let jealousy and grudge make you into a bitchy photographer. A budding photographer will always produce a winning picture, be honest enough to admit and give praise when due. Keep encouraging young photographers to push thenselves to their limits, and to always think outside the box.
Next stop is Independence. What is going to be new in skn photography.
Until, have a nice skn day.