3rd day of November 2009

Every day there is something new, for me. I discovered that the low cost USB hub is full of s**t, and my Western Digital drives are now happy and giving me what I want when I call for it. When you want to move around 30K raw image files you need reliable equipment and accessories. With these images you may be playing with your life's work, and you must believe in GOD and have FAITH in abundance when trusting 20 years of serious image making to two [2] or three [3] Western digitals. The expression "not-faint-of-heart" comes to mind. These images are like gold and it is advisable that you contract with Brinks or Diamond Security for their armored truck and shotgun riders to take your archived digital images down town to the safety of your deposit box in your favorite banks.

This whole thing about security for your snapshots seem jokey, but when you recognize that one of those images, because you were in the right place at the right time, could bring you $50,000.00 or more, it is no longer a funny matter. This is reality at its best. So I am working on the security, because it is not about being hijacked on the street, choke and rob style, but about the uninvited guests who cowardly come into your home in the wee hours of the morning to take away what you are working hard for. It is not wise to have a plan to dispose of the intruder, as you could be charged with premeditation if he is injured in your home and subsequently dies. But it seems okay if you are like Merlin or Harry Potter and could stay a mile off and say something which resolves the matter. I would think that it is safe to use magic and vaporize the problem, and leave the rest, if anything, to forensic.

November 2009 I took a bicycle spin up the road past the highway construction. With the rate of development, folks up here will awake one day to find themselves inside the concrete jungle, not quite what they envisioned at the real estate office. To have it all one has to build on-the-hill with nobody to bother you, failing that plan for all three [3] floors and hope that no one sues for obstruction.

With the million dollar views provided from these hillside housing developments Citizens are also building their million dollar dream houses, that the Country can truly be proud of. Today is about the view .... a few frames from the twenty [20] that were taken that morning.


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