skb day 81
My Saturday afternoon walk took me up the hill to the R.L.Bradshaw International Airport, and for the first time in years, to be exact, the first time since the bypass road was constructed that I can really appreciate the landscape. It appear that we are finally getting to where we should have been years ago. But then, there is the saying that "nothing happens before its time", and some of us believe that to be true.
Many things are happening in our little skn, like the sudden increase in crime and lawlessness, which the media reports on. They claim this is due to internal disagreements within the law enforcement agencies and their lack of strong leadership, thus giving the 'criminals' a clean window of opportunity to wage their war and violence against innocent citizens. . I suspect that these are the types of situations in which 'vigilante' are birthed, as people could feel the need to protect themselves, family and property. It is regrettable that this has came with the 'change', but I have seen this happen once before, and we will get over it by fighting very much harder than the last time.
skn continues to be the most beautiful of the Caribbean Islands. skn is now getting into its full paradise mode with spring and summer just days away. Some of us will be out and about to make the annual skn memories pictures. We all need to spend quality time with nature and enjoy the seasonal beauty of our skn, there is no other place on earth like our skn.
Have a nice day.