it is here
I am of the view that we are into the best photo shooting days of this year. I must be a crazy man because rain is falling ever so often and then there is no sunlight for hours ... not that some of today's digital photographers need any natural light, because most of them seem to tote their artificial sunlight in a metal can powered from a battery. I do not wish to sound anything but pleasant, but I have a suspicion that many of these modern 'photographers' can't handle the Natural light. I could be wrong, but I see nothing that points me in any other direction but to draw this conclusion. I am also of the view that any light than can be obtained from a metal can powered by a battery, should be supplementary to the main light source, but that is my view, and I believe that I may have a few 'old' and 'older' photographers in my corner. No direct sunlight is good for my photography, with the zone system thrown in. I guess zone system photography is still ...