84 minute jouvert jam
I only had 84 minutes of the Sugar Mas 40:40 J'ouvert Jam 2011 today, and it is all my fault. I have learned a hard lesson, and that will not happen to me next week for the New Years Day Parade. From tomorrow I am doing what I must do to be ready. I hear this Jam was the best ever in SKB, of course the gloom-ers and doom-ers will say otherwise. I could see both young and old having a good time, and I suspect that is the bottom line. I have not been this close to such fast moving action for a while, and it brought back memories, and the reality of time. Once upon a time I would lug around a bag of lenses ranging from a 20mm super wide angle to a 300mm telephoto, between primes and zooms. Well gone are those days. I have to travel light and one lens is the order of the day. So I replaced my prized 70-300mm with a 28-200mm, and I am enjoying it. I miss my 300mm so I should upgrade soon to a 28-300mm next. Shooting in the shade and the cool of the morning is like a piece of ...