
Showing posts from 2011

84 minute jouvert jam

I only had 84 minutes of the Sugar Mas 40:40 J'ouvert Jam 2011 today, and it is all my fault. I have learned a hard lesson, and that will not happen to me next week for the New Years Day Parade. From tomorrow I am doing what I must do to be ready. I hear this Jam was the best ever in SKB, of course the gloom-ers and doom-ers will say otherwise. I could see both young and old having a good time, and I suspect that is the bottom line. I have not been this close to such fast moving action for a while, and it brought back memories, and the reality of time. Once upon a time I would lug around a bag of lenses ranging from a 20mm super wide angle to a 300mm telephoto, between primes and zooms. Well gone are those days. I have to travel light and one lens is the order of the day. So I replaced my prized 70-300mm with a 28-200mm, and I am enjoying it. I miss my 300mm so I should upgrade soon to a 28-300mm next. Shooting in the shade and the cool of the morning is like a piece of ...

santa miss the flight

Santa missed the flight today, so he sending mine by express mail next week. That is a whole next confusion but I am still enjoying my Christmas and Carnival without my Christmas gift, but if you live like me everyday is Christmas. Every day we need be thankful to GOD for being alive. The people's enemy is out there running wild looking looking for who it can devour, and many of us are playing into its hand, thinking that we are smart or smarter. Every day we need to seek divine protection to avoid being in any "accident", because 'accidents' happen when you are not prepared, not looking, and it is often not how it look, but how it is. Capiche? I am working with santa and not letting off on him today. Sometimes I wonder about santa because if you take the "N" from in the middle of santa, and put it on the end, it is a whole different entity. I wonder if they are related, and maybe we should wonder about a whole lot more. Anyway, santa says that h...

welcome to the club

These past two days have been great for some of us in SK. For me just being here and being able to capture some of what is happening is enough, but the icing is being able to share some of it with someone else, somewhere. Many of us go through life seeing but not observing. I suspect that after viewing some snaps here some of us are now more observant. That helps us to better appreciate our world, and could motivate us to work with and help others to improve upon it. I do not think we are ready to welcome the whole world of photography to SK as yet, but we are getting there slowly. The system takes the heat for everything that is not totally right, but the real truth may be that the "people" that are expected to "do the right thing" either do it wrong or not at all ... and I believe it is our duty [if we are Nation-ally serious] to "kick some butt". But we can't wait for every five years to do that, we must do that every day. We have to eat ever...

Carnival continues ...

40 days ago on October 15 our National Carnival season for 2011-2012 was launched. This is supposed to be the biggest and best carnival ever, as I understand it, as we celebrate 40-years of national carnival in SKN. Sugar Mas 40:40 is expected to be 40-days [and hopefully 40-nights] of really hot carnival action. I am not sure if the action is being designed to be NON-STOP action, but sometimes our people can be quite surprising, and seem to have the ability to rise to any occasion. So we have to wait and see, but be careful with holding your breath. I am looking forward to Sugar Mas 40:40 officially opening tomorrow. Time have rolled around pretty quickly, and the last 40-days seem to have come upon us quicker than expected, and I suspect so too will the end of this carnival season 40 days down the road. Everybody gets their own personal amount of enjoyment  and  satisfaction from carnival. Carnival is a personal thing and what makes me happy may make you sad. So we all ...

Carnival again ...

It is hard to believe that Carnival is here again. It is harder to believe that 12 months have passed so quickly. It was just like yesterday we were dancing and prancing in our new creation Sugar Mas. Well, it is now time for the big one ... Sugar Mas 40, celebrating 40-years of National Carnival in SKN. We are expecting it to be bigger and better than last year, and we are going to judge it harshly, the Kittitian way... and trust me, some people done start to bad mouth the Carnival and it ain't even start yet. You see how some folks are just not with us. But we will show them that Sugar Mas 40 will deliver as promised. While we get ready for Carnival and the jollification that it brings, we hope that the hurting people will really get some ease from their burdens, no matter what types and kinds they are bearing. They know it better than me. At this time, everyone has something hard and difficult to deal with, and don't think that you have it harder and worst than your neighb...

12 MP could be better

Who is really right? Some folks say that 6 MP is the ideal camera, some say no, it needs for more MP than that. So who really correct? Is it that they running race with film? Maybe the minimum MP has to do with the application. I believe that the human mind can spin you a perfect image with the minimum of MP. You don't have to see anything to conjure up a picture. We put you in an alleged "haunted house" and you see who and what you want to see, crystal clear, and you get free sounds too. Maybe the camera is really for mind control, because some of us still do not believe the images that we see in black-and-white or color. This could call for research.

modern camera needed

Many things make my SKN tick. I am not showing off, but there are things here that are hard to find elsewhere, in the natural, and we just have to give God thanks. If you are not a believer, give thanks to the supreme one, the source, the Creator, the Almighty, God. I am done with the long talk. You are here to see an image or two, but I just had to say something. I am not commenting on photos here, for that become my Facebook friend, see what others say and have your say too.

a so it go

Some of our residents have caught on that photography is a significant component in our newly acquired lifestyle, or maybe more correctly, the lifestyle that we are now expected to accept and endure. I wish not to make it sound hard, because it is not, but some of us just have to make everything difficult, even if it is soft like water. I am of the view that the majority of us, if we haven't heard yet, are just into our Caribbean anti-change and anti-adoption mode, something our people sometimes do best. Laying the truth bare is not dissing anyone, but some of our honest and decent folks can't handle the truth and always go for a red herring first. Start at page one, lesson one, chapter one, entitled reality. If it is there in the real world it will be captured on film, digital or otherwise.

how it a go

I was blogging in another space recently and had to mention the use that apply to a phase of my photography. I always refrain from any heavy topic which will always require research and the presentation of hard facts, because I have decided not to go that route as my blogging could then become a work, and for me, this blogging is not a work, but is done in fun, for fun, for my enjoyment and entertainment. It is for me, but if you can share in any of it, that is good too. I have an outlook and I am not trying to convince anyone or modify their world, but maybe you can see some of it from my perspective. Some people fear ending up on the wrong side of the photo street, but how do you know that all that you think you know may be on that wrong side of the photo street? I am not going to put anything to you, like some lawyer, but because you are the smart person that you are, I know you will be walking on the right side of the photo street, most, if not all the time. The laws and rules are...

you do, or you don't

I never completed my last blog following the State Funeral of the late Sir Clement Arrindell. Everything proceeded as expected and my camera got "attacked" twice. I believe I made comments elsewhere, maybe in captions of photos in the Facebook album. I am not trying to figure out how five [5] new and charged Camera batteries could all get discharged in shooting under 100 photos in my Canon EOS DSLR camera, when one charged battery usually shoot a few hundred photos. Anyway I had a secret battery [not stored with the working set] for deep emergency and that came to the rescue. In the hour break between Government House and the State Funeral Service at Wesley Methodist Church, all five batteries were recharged. I am not surprised that after charging only one battery was used to cover the rest of the Funeral, and taking more photos than at Government House. Some things are just unexplainable, and I am not taking time off my daily routine to explore these "supernatural"...

... same time, different day

Today is one of those days. This blog and post may take me two, maybe three days. I will write and stop and restart, and continue later, and I don't have to explain to you, but I am just decent enough to inform you early. The news today is not so good. I do not chase it down, but whenever I do hear it, I expect it to be uplifting, but as one associate informed me, that good news does not sell papers or anything else, so we are stuck with bad news so that people can get paid and drive big limo. Today it is a black day, and I am shooting black today. Men and women in black, with a little white. Today we have the nation's first Governor General lie in State. Today we also have the Chief of Police popular son lie somewhere else, but both are dead. They are both nationals that served their country, and made their contribution. I am not getting any politics, and my condolences go out to both families. The late Governor General is a blood relative of mine, that is family, and I coul...

not wide enough, go panorama

I missed one whole full month of blogging and I can't believe that I had nothing to say. In SK there is always something to say, but recently it appear that people are only finding 'bad things' to say about everyone else. It is the sign of the times that we live in, but many people do not know, nor do they try to understand what is going on in the world, and the part they are playing, or maybe more precisely, the part they are expected to play. I see that certain church folks seem to have a handle on things, but very few outside the circle seem to be listening. With the earthquake in Japan and the tsunamis, aftershocks, etc., it seems that some folks are now hearing, but I suspect that they will go deaf again in the next 10 days or so, unless they get another jolt. I am not praying for that, but if it happens, there is nothing more that we can do except to pray. We are expected to give thanks no matter what else we do, and it is  necessary for me to give thanks to the Alm...

the war on photographers continue

On December 22 of last year, I started a blog entitled "to protect, serve or terrorize"  after reading about an UK policewoman who ordered an amateur photographer to delete his photographs. Somehow I may have been sidetracked with Carnival or something more important and so did not complete and post it. In hind sight maybe it was a good thing, that I did not get back to it, and I sometimes wonder if it was just chance, fate or guidance. Of course "believers" will say 'most likely it is divine guidance', and I could live with that too. Today I see a link posted by another Facebook photographer friend and I feel that I must share because we live in a different time and some of us may not fully appreciate some of what is going down today, and before you know it the rules are changed by some kinds of people, albeit, the skin teeth grinning, honest and decent terrorists among us. I suspect that in some cases, and I refer to here in SK, that it can be a matter o...