
Showing posts from December, 2011

84 minute jouvert jam

I only had 84 minutes of the Sugar Mas 40:40 J'ouvert Jam 2011 today, and it is all my fault. I have learned a hard lesson, and that will not happen to me next week for the New Years Day Parade. From tomorrow I am doing what I must do to be ready. I hear this Jam was the best ever in SKB, of course the gloom-ers and doom-ers will say otherwise. I could see both young and old having a good time, and I suspect that is the bottom line. I have not been this close to such fast moving action for a while, and it brought back memories, and the reality of time. Once upon a time I would lug around a bag of lenses ranging from a 20mm super wide angle to a 300mm telephoto, between primes and zooms. Well gone are those days. I have to travel light and one lens is the order of the day. So I replaced my prized 70-300mm with a 28-200mm, and I am enjoying it. I miss my 300mm so I should upgrade soon to a 28-300mm next. Shooting in the shade and the cool of the morning is like a piece of ...

santa miss the flight

Santa missed the flight today, so he sending mine by express mail next week. That is a whole next confusion but I am still enjoying my Christmas and Carnival without my Christmas gift, but if you live like me everyday is Christmas. Every day we need be thankful to GOD for being alive. The people's enemy is out there running wild looking looking for who it can devour, and many of us are playing into its hand, thinking that we are smart or smarter. Every day we need to seek divine protection to avoid being in any "accident", because 'accidents' happen when you are not prepared, not looking, and it is often not how it look, but how it is. Capiche? I am working with santa and not letting off on him today. Sometimes I wonder about santa because if you take the "N" from in the middle of santa, and put it on the end, it is a whole different entity. I wonder if they are related, and maybe we should wonder about a whole lot more. Anyway, santa says that h...

welcome to the club

These past two days have been great for some of us in SK. For me just being here and being able to capture some of what is happening is enough, but the icing is being able to share some of it with someone else, somewhere. Many of us go through life seeing but not observing. I suspect that after viewing some snaps here some of us are now more observant. That helps us to better appreciate our world, and could motivate us to work with and help others to improve upon it. I do not think we are ready to welcome the whole world of photography to SK as yet, but we are getting there slowly. The system takes the heat for everything that is not totally right, but the real truth may be that the "people" that are expected to "do the right thing" either do it wrong or not at all ... and I believe it is our duty [if we are Nation-ally serious] to "kick some butt". But we can't wait for every five years to do that, we must do that every day. We have to eat ever...