drive by snap
""Photographers have a way of describing a certain aspect of their photo image capture as shooting. I have not researched it, but I could associate the activity with viewing, aiming and squeezing the shutter button, in a fashion similar to a firearm user. Given the prominence of gun related crime in some of our communities, I feel it is safer for me to steer clear of shooting photos and resort to snapping photos instead. In the real world of photography, real photographers neither shoot photos nor snap photos, but create and make photographic images. But we no longer seem to live in the real wold of photography, therefore real photographers are seemingly ceasing to exist anymore. These days everything is debatable, even cold hard unchangeable facts are debatable by certain "people" of our now generation. I would really like to know why they must always be right, more especially when they are wrong, and if you disagree, please be quiet because you could be shot ...