
Showing posts from June, 2014

Election ...!

I don't feel like blogging today, but my new Facebook page puts my blog url in plain view, and knowing how inquisitive we human beings are, it pressured me to pen something positive. I do not have any problem saying what I think and how I feel, but  I am mindful of how I say it, because so many people these days have developed a thinner skin, and so many others are not blessed with the ability to discern, and so many more just have no clue what is really going on. So it is with the greatest of respect that I carefully say what I have to, and if you are wise, and in the know, you will follow along, but if you do not catch it at first, don't worry, you will catch up in good time as you become privy to more information and data. Given the politics in SKN, I have people who will insist on getting my views on certain happenings and goings on in our Federation. My response is not what most of them wish to hear, but yet they ask, knowing my response. Just in case you never hear...