... everything quiet, for now!!!

I am looking forward to a very quiet Christmas because we expect that "all hell will break loose" afterwards. Actually we do not wish "any hell" to break loose because "hell" is not nice  neither should it be emulated, but given the pending general election, and the "win or die" stance that the opposition political parties seem to have taken, anything is possible here, according to the Lord Cut in his popular calypso, "Only in St. Christopher". We are all part and parcel of the election process irrespective of our position in either of the 3 categories. Simply, you vote for change, or you vote against change, or you do not vote at all, because you don't, never did and never will, care one [s**t] iota about your native land, but you want everything that you can get out of it to live sky high like a king or queen ... maybe you don't even know the words to our National Anthem, O Land of Beauty. But then again, that is not a problem, to each his own, and I am glad for you ... plus, this is my blog.

As a youth I used to feel the Christmas, but as I age, those feelings faded away, and Christmas seems to become academic. There are all sorts of views, comments, theories and explanations about the Christmas, but I don't have time for them because every day is my Christmas Day. Every day I wake I know that Jesus was born, lived and died for me. So I don't have to wait for any 25th December to celebrate and/or remember that Jesus was born for to die on the Calvary Cross for my sins. Every day I celebrate and thank HIM for making that sacrifice in my stead, and taking away all my sins, sickness and disease. And if you dare to believe that Jesus died for you, you too can be free from sin, sickness and disease, for the rest of your earthly life. Maybe you should give yourself this totally free gift for Christmas 2009.

My Christmas, New Year and election blog rant will be up later on my favorite MSN website at http://v44kf.spaces.live.com and I am still awaiting the inspiration for that.

After all the political and injunction ruckus everything is now quiet, as far I can tell. I don't get into the City every day so maybe things are happening, but where I live in the 'jungle'  unfortunately Facebook is my only point of contact, and you may really need some heavenly assistance to be delivered from Facebook.

I notice some 'old time' photography now appearing in FB photo albums. A welcome sight. Old time photography is not the correct term, but I use it to differentiate between the popular figure images which seems to characterize FB. The use of available and natural light in our GOD created environment, to me, provides the ultimate resource for photographic expression. I get the impression that in these modern times photography is relegated to indoors, artificial lights and software. The software and lights I can live with, up to a point, but it has to be outdoors for making my images, with some component of our natural available light. So why are some photographers so mortally afraid of the outdoors? I wish I knew. Maybe it is the white balance? No!! Canon AWB works for me every time. Of course, if it is for something PRO I may pull out my old faithful Minolta Color Meter.

I am too old to take on the supposedly steep learning curve of Photoshop. Like everyone else I have it loaded on all the computers. Once ago I used it with ASF and other plugins but since moving to RAW image shooting exclusively a few years ago, no need. I rather like software like the Lightcrafts Lightzone and would highly recommend it, and not just for these recessional times. I am not talking to the PRO guys here, like me, they are set in their ways and we know what works for us, and we not fessing up on tips and techniques either.

This week is quiet so far and I will spend some time in the City recording the 'colors' that present themselves for this season. Three seasons in one. Two will come again next year, the other in another 5 years, maybe sooner. It is truly an exciting time that we live in and I am thankful that I am here to be a part of it, and help to share some of what I see through the camera lens with someone else, maybe as far away as on the other side of our planet. I  wish that more of us would also share what we can "see" in our corner of the world.

In case I don't get the chance again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to who soever it fit, and to the rest of you "Have a nice day" and see you tomorrow.



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