mudooooh!! stay in

It is not true that there is nothing to photograph in SKN. Of course that could be true to those who are 'photographically blind'. It is a 'mind thing', not an 'eye thing'. We live in the image world. Every wink or part thereof interrupts the flow of the continuous image streaming to our brain. Some of us never appreciate the infinite memory capacity that we are created with, and I hope that some day soon "iMan" will be wise enough to invent an "iPlug" that could plug-up our brain to an "iViewer", for downloading and sharing some of the historic images many of us carry around for a lifetime, and would really like to share with someone. That day may come in 2012. Boy!!!, you can just imagine it now ... iSee, iShare, and iPorn gone wild.

The national excitement continues to rise. Every day is a new thing, so we may be on track, as to whether right or not is a different story. But while some people are stirring up the pot with the "fowl foot" others are trying to get a dollar into other peoples pocket. Some people who have it bawling harder than some who do not have anything at all ... but that is nothing new, just history repeating. Life in the twin island Federation continues in style ... for those who wish it.

I am still here and living like a tourist, without the "drink all you like", and enjoying it. I sometimes meet visitors who say they have been here before, and they have come again to see how the progress is going. Some visitors cannot believe the growth and development of Port Zante from their last visit 3 years ago. Now they see that we are not sitting down ... and some of them come back and want to tap into the action too.

The bike tour from Port Zante up to the highway and the foothills. Good exercise through great scenery.

Visitors who just wish to walkabout the City can catch Annie on her City walking Tour.

Some visitors never venture off Port Zante, but check out the Amina Craft Market and the other duty free shops. There are some of us who live here like tourists and check out the Port Zante shops too.

The Prince and Princess visited. I am a one camera, one lens person so I did not have any problem making photographs from 6-feet to infinity. My Canon EF 28-200mm lens performed as expected, and I got what I wanted.

St Kitts will forever be etched in the memory of these cruise visitors. They kept singing praises to SKB. It was the first time they had ever gotten that close to any member of the Royal Family, even when they were at home in the UK. I really felt happy for them ... maybe they are the ones who are not washing the hands for weeks.

I am not getting into this, it is a 'LADIES' thing. I am just taking the photo.

I am not getting into this either, it is a 'GENTLEMAN'S' thing.

Yes, it is a 'FAMILY' thing.

The Prince takes the salute.

The Prince inspects

And it was time for 'the people'.

By this time the Royal security recognized that nobody was going to hijack the Prince or Princess. It has been rumoured that a "Duke" was 'distracted or attracted' while on a Royal visit to SK some umpteen years ago. That can happen to anyone in our 'beautiful' Liamuiga.

This just made their day.

The renaming ceremony

The Royal Basseterre Valley Park

The Prince and Princess

The Prince

The Princess planting ...

First National Hero's Grandchildren introduced to the Prince and Princess.

The Plaque

The Princess interacting ...

The Prince interacting ...

The Official Photograph of the Prince and Princess, His Excellency the Governor General and the Right Honourable Prime Minister.

Posing with the Princess for that 'once in a lifetime' snap

Posing with the Prince for that 'once in a lifetime' snap.

Some of my Facebook viewers found this snap of the Prince to be rather interesting. It is how they see it, but I think it is rather cool.

Unveiling the Plaque

The Plaque

On the Brimstone Hill Citadel overlooking Sandy Point and the ocean all the cell phone cameras came out to capture the clearest of days. Here the Prime Minister takes his snaps of Sandy Point too.

This was the excitement for early March, and there is more to come later, some can be snapped and some cant. SKB is a nice place to live and lime, but some people are taking both life and liming more seriously than they should.  Well, that is my opinion. In the end all of it passes and we are left with nothing but memories, so let us make and keep great ones, while we wait for the iPlug interface to connect behind our ear.

I have crept up from the EOS-20D to an EOS-40D. No doubt more pixels mean better image quality, and I am still looking. After shooting the Prince and Princess I must say that the 40D seems more responsive. I was shooting for the color the camera was made for and used available light 99.99% of the times, and where it dropped it stopped. Whether it is zone 6 or zone 4, it will have to stay in its lane ... it is not my fault.

I am trying to get here weekly ...


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