the bicycling photo challenge resumes

Today started off as any other day. Every day begins the same, but every day is a new day for all living creatures, whether they like to believe that or not. Photographically no two days in the Universe are ever alike, no matter how hard we try to sync them. An image missed is irretrievable, even if you had a time machine to make another run. I am of the view that even with a time machine you would still not capture the missed image, because destiny cannot be altered. What is for you for you and what is not for you, just forget it. There are students who believe that you are the control for your own destiny, but I am not debating them, because I expect that they never get sick, miss an appointment or an opportunity ... but then again maybe they add that 'anomaly' to establish some real world living like the rest of us. I guess we will never know.

Today I picked up where I left off some years ago. It has been so long ago that I can't recall the timeline. It was in the days when I decided to bicycle around the island with my camera over my shoulder, and get up close and personal with local, life, living and imaging, in the pre-millennium days. It was working out great until one day I picked up a 'cosher', otherwise known as a prickle,  in my bicycle tire and unthinkingly pulled it out. I pushed the bicycle a few miles to get home and next day went down town and got myself a Suzuki Samurai to continue my local photo explorations. But the 4x4 was just not the same as the bicycle, which you can ride on a sidewalk, park anywhere, and not block traffic or pedestrians, etc. Parking and walking is just not the same as coasting and liming on the bicycle. The 4x4 got me into some new areas from the mountain top to the beach, and those were the days you could lime on beaches from sunset to sunrise. That beach lime is not encouraged these days, given the nocturnal perambulations alleged by the DEA..

So this morning I slung a small gadget bag over my shoulder, with the 18-55 mm EFS lens affixed to the Canon dslr and a 35-80 mm zoom lens just in case, two spare battery packs, my spectacles, and I was so excited that I was on the move again that I forgot to pack the cell phone, notebook, pencil and chronometer. The additional weight provided a more strenuous workout but that was offset with the knowledge and confidence that I would be ready for anything that Nature tossed my way this morning. Minutes to six met me on route to the War Memorial, at sea level, to take the Bay Road, up to the Kim Collins Highway and the Airport.

I was on the West Basseterre By Pass Highway Factory Bridge overlooking the Robert L Bradshaw International Airport Terminal Building just before the sunlight shone over the hill top, and decided to capture the Terminal Building in the first rays of the morning sun. We have no choice but to work with Nature and I could not get all my shots in the first minute of sunlight before this morning's cloud cover, so I was stuck until the sun light came through again later and I captured the images as I has envisaged.

Images made before seven o'clock in the morning light are just that. They are different to images made at 10 o'clock , noon, or any other time. So I am not done making images of the Terminal Building, because there are still unlimited lighting variations to explore here and not just in daylight, but after dark too. This morning session only provided 110 frames. in about 20 minutes. The first image was made at 6.36.31 AM and the last image was made at 6.57.59 AM. This morning imaging includes about 5 or more vertical panoramas comprised of between 7 and 9 frames each. I can visualize the panorama now, 36" wide and between 12 and 18 feet long. ... wow!!!!

If I did not mention it before, I produce all posters and banners in house, on a variety of print media from glossy photo paper to polypropylene, with waterproof inks on an HP DesignJet 5500UV wide format printer. Images are laminated if and when required.

So I am already on a high for today [without any drugs], but from experience I know that somewhere, someone has a plan to bring my high for today to an all time low, so I will go back into my closet, say a prayer or two, and go down into town later with my baseball bat over my shoulder, prepared for any SOB that may want to spoil my day.

Seriously though, it is imperative that you make at least one image a day. If photography is your love it is your life, so don't let it slip away from you, unintentionally ... or otherwise.

[to be continued]


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