walkabout weekend asignments

Hail another Saturday, but surely not the same old, same old, because nothing for today in any way resembles any other day that we have ever experienced or will ever experience. The only thing in common is the name of the week day and its prescription bears no resemblance to any of the other fifty in 2009. Today we look forward to a whole new set of photo experiences, Every day you can look at a particular scene and it always seems to look the same, but the day you elect to photograph that scene, something 'strange' happens to it, and it looks different every time you compose and create an image from it. Maybe it has to do with our creative genius and that "next step beyond" that some of us take when we get into the photo shooting mode.

I may be wrong in assuming that every photographer gets into that ESP mode, where you just get lost, or more like immersed in the shooting and image making, and when you review the images you sometimes wonder, 'who did this, I don't recall making this" but the proof is there, because only you could activate that shutter button, consciously or subconsciously, and you have the winning shots, so no problem.Some of the best images I have made over the years, I really don't recall consciously making them.

I am not going to mention the pre-assignment preparation that some of us can get into, which could include concentration, meditation, prayers, candle burning, incense burning, and rituals of all sorts, before tackling an assignments or attending a functions. I have not been lead to engage in any such activities, but my early morning prayer connection with the Master is sufficient and always works for me over the last 40 + years. What was it he said? Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you

There also come a time during an assignment when you just "know" to get into or move to a specific position. I follow the instincts even though it defies reasoning, but sooner or later something 'out of the ordinary' happens, and there you are, to record that moment in time ... maybe like "President Obama and the Bobby" in the UK, and most times I believe that those types of images are divinely created only for certain photographers. The video guys capture those images by default, but the still photographers capture them by design. Sometimes the video guys don't even capture those images, in default, and I often wonder why.

I awoke this morning feeling great and on top of the world. Since I added one raw carrot to my DAILY diet some 7 to 8 weeks ago, my 'body feeling' has steadily improved every day. I am now pain free, [THANK GOD] still building up strength and stamina, and have gone back onto my bicycling track around the city and up to the airport, and home via the new West Basseterre Bypass highway, a cool 45 minutes spin. Yesterday morning the sunrise from over the War Memorial at the Fortlands, was the best I have seen in the last couple years. I was in the right place at the right time, but without a camera. I must also inform that I am back on my home brew NONI juice and Grape juice concoction.

I am up to walking around again, and yesterday my soul mate made a casual remark as we were driving through the City, and that created one of my self assignments for today, rain or no rain. Saturday is usually quiet, no grid lock, and some of today's action include three or four jetliners at the Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport, bringing visitors, tourists and returning resident and a Carnival line cruise ship berthed at Port Zante. Yesterday seemed unusually busy for a Friday since this is not a holiday weekend. Carnival is in the air and I suspect that residents are already warming up for that. So I will warm up too and take to the streets today with my faithful Canon DSLR and and capture the build up to the best cultural activity in the Eastern Caribbean.

I am still to indoctrinate my new web sharing space, but time is longer than twine, so no problem there. I am to revamp my Google Picasa web albums affiliated with other photo blogs as we prepare for Carnival 2009/2010, and the General Elections, whichever comes first. Everything will get done ... in good time ... for now its time to walk about skn

[to be continued]


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