carnival come, again

Some days you have it in to blog, and you know where you want to go, but you are not quite sure how to get there. I am learning from our young leaders of tomorrow, that this is not a problem, you just just right in the middle, do your thing and who vex 'dead'. I am carefully choosing which youthful traits to adopt in order to ensure my sustained connectivity in their world. Speaking about adopting, did you see the 'senior citizens' troupe in the carnival launch? This carnival look like it is going to be different, with women now running it along with the few token men just so maybe people won't talk. I truly wish them every success with the 2010/2011 National Carnival.

Here it is about photography so the other side to my carnival comments may come later on my wordpress blog. No I am not dissing anyone, just making some observations, as it is my right to do so, and also yours, if you can. The problem here is that nobody listens to those people who live and lime under the tamarind tree. You know there was a time in our history, as maybe in so many other nations, when it was thought that the Governments of those days were actually run from under the tamarind tree, and maybe in reality they were. We know that all local knowledge and maybe a surprising amount of 'wisdom' hangs out under the tamarind tree, as it was then so it is now and will be forever. I don't know why some people just can't get that.

I am not amazed to see that carnival can come to SKN through Facebook. I am talking about carnival information reaching me. I did not see anything of it on TV nor hear anything of it on radio, but probably because I was not viewing and listening at the right time. Only on Facebook. I am a senior citizen so they may not be targeting me, so I suspect that one of the carnival promotions would eventually reach me wherever I was. Facebook is where everyone hangs out, and never mind that your good Facebook friend could be your real life sworn enemy to death, this is just how our world exist today. There is no age barrier to Facebook now. Minors and preteens are parading as adults and seniors as teens. Some messed up world we live in today, but as long as you can navigate the mess, you are going to be okay.

So our new 4-peat administration is making a change in the cultural landscape. I am now convinced that every day is  a carnival day in SKN. I now believe that the two thing people look forward to with a vengeance is Carnival and General Elections, the only difference is that while one is allegedly 'flush' the other one is allegedly 'broke', but that have nothing to do with the merriment, excitement and SEX, that comes with these seasons. So we are off with a bang and walking. How we steer until 17th December 2010 when the festivities actually begin is anyone's guess, but they must have a smart plan so we will just watch and wait. 60 days is like a weekend and I hope no one let time creep up on them. 

I walked about last Saturday afternoon and captured a few images of the launching parade, but missed the opening ceremony because I was back home taking my medication, a light dinner snack, at 6.00 PM, and by time I reached the function they were into the closing sequence. No big thing. Win some, loose some. So we are now watching and waiting to see what the next 60 days of carnival will bring to us, photographically speaking.



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