Election. SIDF. GAS

I am very cautious when words like SEXY are used to describe our Federation or any part of it. Given that some people are more into an election mode than others, it is quite possible for some of us to invent the most uncomplimentary phrases, in our attempt to score 'political' points. This is nothing new, and something we learn to endure every election season. We know that every generation is smarter than the last, but the same dumbness, of certain aspect of 'the politics' just seem to creep and follow. It may appear as the most insult to our intelligence, but at the end of the day it seems quite acceptable to be a part of the election flavour. Nobody feel no way, but it is something that someone needs to look at, if we are ever to change the culture that some people speak so passionately about. Unfortunately, it would appear that we still must try not to take it personal, it is just how business is done in this season. But whenever the opportunity comes our way to make a cultural shift, we need to be sure that we are ready.

The excitement in our SKN continues. I suspect that the elections around the corner is not the driver, but some may disagree. I am of the view that a certain degree of real customer focus is catching up with more of our people than ever before. It was not that they did not know, nor did not care, they just allowed that local element of  procrastination to get the better of them. But many things have changed and many of us are now motivated every day to "do it now" and not to wait until "tomorrow", which very rarely comes. In many areas we are still playing catch up, but I can see most of us making a super human effort to catch up and to keep up. Regrettably, some of us are still lagging behind, some purposefully, and some intentionally, with others accidentally trying to slow things down, to keep us back, from reaching our "promised land", so to speak. It is incumbent upon all of us to pull our brothers and sisters up with us, in every way possible.

Since the announcement of the leaked proposed date for elections, I don't know if it is just me, but the places I visit seem to take on a different aura. People I meet seem to be more focused on who will beat who in 2 of the 3 constituencies, with the new springtime candidates. I get the impression that most people are only concerned with the outcome in Constituency #7. Many seem thrilled with the prospect of "ALL EIGHT" again. I feel that our people like to see ourselves WINNING BIG, no matter what. I share their optimism.

This blog is about my view on photography and I am not attacking anyone, the system, or establishment, just looking at things my way. The SIDF is making great moves in SKN and making many people happy. But some of that joy, from what I gather, may not be focused in the direction of SENIOR CITIZENS. The focus is on youths, people up to 35 years, and if you are into business, small, medium or large. But after you retire and made into a pensioner, that is the end of the road, and NO SIDF whatsoever for you. But many senior citizens are still active and working, and many have their own little "home businesses", and many other things going on that can benefit from a small injection from the SIDF. In my particular case, I would love to get a new Canon camera and lenses to take better pictures at Independence and Carnival, and to take my photography to another level. But I an not into any commercial business, so no SIDF for this senior citizens or any retired person in SKN. As long as we are blessed with long life in our thrice blessed Federation we will all become a SENIOR CITIZEN one day. So much for that.

GAS is applicable everywhere, to everything and most areas of our life. In photography GAS is "Gear Acquisition Syndrome". It happens to most of us, almost all the time. As one grows and develops in ones photography, we learn how to kill GAS, because it has the potential to kill us and our photography. Some of us spend significant time retraining ourselves in certain aspects of photography using specific gear and depriving ourselves of the use of others. That comes with challenges, but it teaches us to think outside the box, and to be as creative as we can possibly be.

For a few years now I have taken on a daily walkabout for exercise. As a senior citizen this is a serious challenge, to be up before sunrise. I have not gone on my bicycle for the last year to catch a sunrise, but I have not given up on it. The city walkabout is no replacement, but it's better than no exercise at all. For walkabout I travel light one camera one lens. Recently I developed an interest in shooting video, a feature built into the Canon 7D camera. Shooting video come with new challenges, and the need to acquire more gear. After weeks of research I am down to the one most important item required, a tripod. Every photographer has a tripod but a real video tripod is necessary.

I am still walking for exercise and these pictures show some of things I see on my walkabout.

Have a nice day.


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