August ...!!

If I was a different kind of person this post heading could be followed by an 'F' word, with an exclamation mark or two. But don't let me deprive you, feel free to use your imagination as creatively as you wish. For those of us who feel 'holier than' we need to understand a few things. We live in a very real world, and if we ain't doing anything to change the culture, we need to shut up, either get with it, or move on.  Now, having done with the pleasantries and housekeeping, let us move on and get into my August.

I am happy to be alive, Thanks and Praise to the Master, the Creator, for my being here on planet earth at this time. I am seeing and doing some things never dreamed of. We know that all things are possible, we only need to believe. But that is something many of us have a problem with. We need to see to believe. But we need to see in more than one dimension. Some folks will tell us that we have to use our brain and our heart, and some may say use other things too. I am not getting into any methodology, but the bottom line is that it works, and better for those who truly believe.

August is the month for unfriendly weather. As we become more at one with Nature the weather becomes more friendly. For a photographer, the weather provides another opportunity to capture a whole new set of images. But some photographers pack up their expensive tools in glad-lock bags, suitcase and trunks, and put them under their bed. I would expect that the more severe the weather, the better the opportunity to capture real once in a lifetime images. From what I read, this is what real photographers do, and I leave it at that. As I write, some 'funny' weather is just off the African coast, heading for us. September is usually our time, so no worry.

Party time and festivals, some done come, some still to come and some still going on. All the school children carrying on bad. These days you almost can't tell who is who, the amount of alleged hormone filled chicken everybody eating. Sometimes I wonder how saltfish come the National dish when we growing fowls here long time, and we just begin to grow fish, and they ain't even saltfish. But any fish with salt is salt fish anyway, technically. It is party time in SK, I see all the chicken on the grill, fish if you lucky, but lobster in front. Maybe unity will look into this national dish thing, like everything else.

The biggest party this month is the cricket. I am having a ball with my Vanessa. She is working out just great. I could do with two more stops of ISO but I am thankful for what she can do given the 3700 more whatever of light at the Warner Park Cricket Stadium. I must remember to take my Minolta Color Meter and check the light quality, just for the academics. I don't have any problem with colour temperature because Vanessa can handle anything, and for facebook AWB is good enough.

I am pleased to see local photographers bringing out their big guns at this event, and looking just like the professional photographers who are visiting from overseas. You can't really tell the difference. Well, that is not entirely true, but I am not getting into details. We are 99% there. I am also most pleased to detect that 'sponsors' of events at the event have employed local photographers. Maybe the times have finally passed when photographers are recruited and contracted from overseas to take routine photography within our country, St Kitts and Nevis. Given time any mindset would change, in 40 years.

If you can, check out the parties and lime in SK for August. A whole next set of party action is being lined up for September, I can't imagine or visualize what December and carnival will look like. Stay safe, party and lime, but stop before your drop.

The image above was made by EOS-7D under the 3700 lights at the Warner Park Cricket Stadium, at the presentations following the game, Saturday 9th August 2014.


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